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Upptäck Trio Batana-paketet pour le DJ et le groupe. 100 % naturel, miljövänlig Batanaolja återställer glansen, främjar tillväxt och återfuktar huden !

Pack Trio Batana - Huiles & Savon

La note est de 4.6 sur cinq étoiles sur la base de 9 avis


    Noté 4,6 sur 5.
    Basé sur 9 avis
    9 avis

    • Abdiqafar Ereg14 oct. 2024
      Noté 5 sur 5.
      A Miracle for Hair and Skin!

      I’ve been using the COLDPRESSED Batana Oil and WARMpressed Batana Oil for both my hair and skin, and the results are incredible! The cold-pressed oil is great for daily hair moisture and also works wonders on dry skin patches. The warm-pressed oil is amazing for deep hair treatments and leaves my skin feeling soft and nourished. The Batana Shampoo also leaves my scalp clean and refreshed, without any dryness. This combo has been a game-changer for my entire beauty routine!

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    • Valentina Brorsson28 déc. 2024
      Noté 5 sur 5.
      Best products!

      I have time after time try new shampo and our products for my hair but never workt. When valencia contact me and when i got the products my hair finely came alive again, my hair been soft, smooth and high gloss after i use all the products. This products arnt just only products, its a miracle for your hair. The only u need to get clean, glossy healthy hair.

      Avis utile ?
      Valencia Cosmetica
      28 déc. 2024

      Hej och tack för din feedback men ifall du vill vara med på tävlingen så måste du lägga en recension på vår Google sida:

    • Susanne Medgyes02 oct. 2024
      Noté 3 sur 5.

      After reading many positive reviews, I thought this would be a game-changer for my hair and skin routine. However, I didn’t notice much difference after using it for a couple of weeks. My hair felt weighed down, and my skin didn’t feel particularly moisturized. It’s just an okay product in my opinion, not worth all the hype.

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      Valencia Cosmetica
      13 févr.

      Not everyone will love it, but most of our reviews are 4-5 stars! We would recommend you to use the Cold Pressed Batana Oil next time, which will make you change your mind ✨☺️

    • Josefine Georgsson16 oct. 2024
      Noté 5 sur 5.
      Komplett näringsrutin

      Att använda Batana-tvålen följt av både varm- och kallpressade oljor har förändrat min hud och hår. Tvålen rengör skonsamt utan att torka min hud, och oljorna låser in fukt, vilket gör att jag känner mig mjuk och återfuktad hela dagen.

      Avis utile ?

    • Ingela Makram15 oct. 2024
      Noté 5 sur 5.
      Refreshing and Gentle

      This 3-in-1 soap is fantastic! It lathers well as a body wash, works great as a shampoo, and even makes a relaxing bubble bath. The scent is refreshing and clean, and it leaves my skin feeling soft.

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